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At "Best College Match"  we are committed to helping students find the best college experience by expanding their Character, building their Competence and exercising their Confidence.
We understand that applying for college can be overwhelming for students and families. When it comes to choosing the right college at the right price the stakes are high and the best pathway is often unclear. It’s a huge life’s decision. It’s very personal and we get it!
We just found a match for our son, Blake. Read his story here. 
That’s why at "Best College Match"  we offer personalized college coaching services that meet the specific needs of the individual student. We appreciate the fact that some students may need only to be pointed in the right direction, while others may need more personal attention. We’ve tailored our services to meet all of those needs. 
At BCM we take a holistic approach through our proven 5 step M.A.T.C.H process to help each student identify their best college fit at their best price. We strive to give each student a greater understanding of themselves by helping them understand their own abilities and desires.
We are dedicated to helping students, families and colleges create the proper balance of the best college fit and price. We help families find a school that is a win-win for everyone.

At "Best College Match" we want every student to be able to say with Confidence that as a result of coaching:


  • They value themselves
  • They understand their academic proficiencies
  • They've selected colleges within their parameters
  • They've procured acceptable college funding
  • They're ready to attend their "Best College Match" 

If you or your family may benefit from this type of personalized college selection services contact us today.

Best College Match Why Choose BCM?

Why Choose Best College Match?

Character. Competence. Confidence.​